How we work together

Way of working

We believe in detailed preparation and analysis. This is for us the starting point. A relationship of trust is therefore of the essence. We can only give you the best advice if we understand the broader picture as well as have sufficient details.

We are big believers in accountability and taking responsibility but we are not big fans of thick reports. We cut to the chase and like to write executive summary style. How many times big expensive reports have ended up in a drawer and have never been taken out?

Although we are open to executing certain parts of a strategic project, we have the most added value in case we are coordinating the full process, in which we have extensive experience. You can opt for the level of your involvement and we can almost completely unburden you. We can form a buffer between you and your counterpart. We like you to be involved in the process, but if you want to do everything yourself, we may not be the party of choice.

We are not just trained as advisors but we also have extensive experience as investors, C-level managers and entrepreneurs. Hence, the advice is not just from a textbook but all practical managerial and entrepreneurial experience will be taken on board.

Although we treat everybody with respect, we tend to give also unsolicited advice every now and then. We may possibly have occasionally a different opinion and we will address this, but we always have an independent focus on the strategic goal we have formulated together.

We are truly independent. The only interest we have is the assignment we execute together and we will not have any other financial interest. We will be transparent in case there will be any possible conflict of interest.

In case we need other specialists in the team we can opt for people in your own organisation or external advisors you are already working with. In addition, we can bring in other companies as we have formed a group of independent advisors, such as financial specialists, law firm, tax advisory and a notary.

We think human interaction is important and there needs to be somewhat of a connection. You can terminate the contract with us on short notice, when the connection is gone, the situation has changed or whatever reason. We do not keep you tied in. We want to get paid for added value not for adding smart clauses in the contract.


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Project Managment

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Consulting Services

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Planning & design

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Combined ShapeCreated with Sketch.

From start to finish -
we’ll be there alongside you


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Recent experiences

Physiotherapy wholesaler

In 2021 we advised on the sale of a physiotherapy wholesaler with a strong track record in e-commerce.

Create Music Agency

Another assignment we successfully finalized was the sale of an international creative music agency.

IT Platform Provider

In 2022, we have advised on the acquisition of an IT platform provider in the healthcare sector.